The Importance of Talking To Yourself

When was the last time you talked to yourself? I personally talk to myself all the time. I start my day off by giving myself some crucial reminders. Aloud, I say everything that I am grateful for, my affirmations, and then I present everything I want to open myself to. I got this order of operations from Imani Cohen (@thehoodhealer), and I haven’t gone back. Starting the day with these practices grounds me and prepares me for the day ahead. It reminds me of what’s important, why I’m here, and why I want to keep going. Expressing gratitude is crucial when it comes to getting anything you want moving forward. This is something that I have learned and understood over the last few months. You must be grateful for what you already have in order to receive anything more. Beginning your day with affirmations gives you reminders of everything you are and what you want to be. This encourages you to go about your day as the exact person you intend to be. If you start your day without stating your intentions for yourself, outside energies can easily manipulate and confuse your own motives. Opening yourself to what you desire or hope to claim is another affirming practice. Everyday I open myself to unexpected love, abundance, creativity, connections, resources, miracles, and happiness. I adapted this practice and list from Imani as well, and they resonate with me. Tweak this list to whatever you want to attract, and watch your days get better as they go on. There’s a sense of reassurance and Now for the rest of your day, don’t forget where you started! Check in with yourself throughout the day. Reaffirm everything you stated when you rose. I talk to myself all day, and I pretty much narrate my every move. This comes from intention. I do not like to do things mindlessly, therefore I constantly verbalize my actions. Explaining your thoughts aloud can really help you understand them. I need to reiterate my thoughts a million times in a plethora of ways in order for them to feel solid. I love to write, so I write pretty much everything down. Then, I read out those written thoughts. I will further think about it, I may talk about it with someone, think more, and then bring it back to talking it out with myself. Sometimes our thoughts are cloudy because we keep them in our heads. If you vocalize them though, they can become more clear. We don’t realize how much power we have in this world, especially when it comes to self growth and awareness. We can transmute many misfortunes in life by simply speaking to ourselves about it. Many of us look for reassurance, and we don’t realize that it is within us. 

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